Amber Copeland

Movement Advisor

move, express & create authentically!

Amber Copeland

Many years ago, one of my ballroom dance coaches told a friend of mine that he thought I was only talented from the neck down. The age old story of the excellent technical dancer who struggles with performance... But I didn't let this get me down. Instead, being a willful woman, it lit a fire inside me. I was determined to prove that I could also excel at outwardly expressing the depth of emotion I felt on the inside. And so my expressive journey began!The game changing moment came with my discovery of Laban Movement Analysis. I fell in love with its concept of expressing emotion through motion and I've been expressively moving ever since (from head to toe)! Sadly, not long after I made this profound discovery, life took an unfortunate turn and I had to give up my dance career due to health issues.Longing to continue to perform and express myself, I tried my hand at acting. My new found expressive movement skills easily translated to storytelling. In fact, a number of my teachers and classmates admired my expressive, embodied performances and suggested that I should offer classes. And thus my journey of guiding performing artists to express their emotion through motion began!

Professional Experience
Actor, Background Actor - ACTRA
Body Awareness Coach - Mind Body Ballroom
Pilates Studio Owner, Instructor - Beautiful Balanced Movement
Dance Director, Instructor, Judge, Examiner, Choreographer - Arthur Murray Dance Studios
Movement Certifications:
Certified Movement Analyst (Laban/Bartenieff)
Somatic Movement Educator (BMC®)
Body-Mind Centering® Practitioner (3 of 4 years complete)
Infant Development Movement Educator (BMC®)
Certified Pilates Mat & Apparatus Instructor
Acting Training:
Lewis Baumander Acting Studios
EVN Film and Television Studios
Second City Toronto
Al Miro Studios
Professional Ballroom Dance Certifications:
Certified Judge - Standard, Latin, Smooth & Rhythm
Fellow Member - Standard, Smooth & Rhythm
Licentiate Member - Latin
Certified Examiner & Judge - Rhythm & Smooth
Certified Judge - Standard & Latin
Coaching Certifications:
NLP Practitioner
Certified Coach, Certified Coaching Federation
Professional Association Memberships:
Canadian Dancesport Federation (CDF)
Human Design Certifications (IHDS):
Individual Rave Analysis
Life Cycle Analysis
Incarnation Cross Analysis
Partnership Analysis
Family Practice Specialist
Child Development Analyst
Primary Health System Practitioner
Rave Psychology Practitioner
Holistic Analyst
Dream Rave Analyst
Living Your Design Guide
BG5 Career & Business Consultant
BG5 Profit Potential Coach
BG5 Career & Business Cycles Consultant
OC-16 Large Business Consultant
Rave Sociologist (courses complete)
Health Practitioner Certifications:
Homeopathy Diploma
Naturopathy Diploma
Certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® Practitioner
University Degree:
BA, Psychology, University of Alberta
CDDSC Canadian Professional Smooth Champion (2012)
CDF Canadian Professional Smooth Vice-Champion (2009)
Arthur Murray Professional Smooth Vice-Champion (2012)
Arthur Murray Professional Rising Star Smooth Champion (2012)
Arthur Murray Pro-Am Smooth Champion (2005)
Arthur Murray Pro-Am Rhythm Champion (2005)

Clarity Sessions

As an IHDS certified Human Design Analyst and BG5® Career and Business Consultant, I offer simple, effective guidance to help artists and creatives make aligned decisions, so they can live, work and create in an authentic way.

Clarity Session: This session is for talented, pioneering artists and creatives who need help working through personal and professional dilemmas. With the aid of their Human Design chart, I help them identify potential sources of their dilemmas. Together, we discuss their challenges, what’s preventing them from moving forward and how they can make aligned decisions to move forward in a satisfying, successful and peaceful way.
Clarity Sessions are done online via Zoom. Session recordings are included.

New to Human Design? You can download a free personalized report about your unique design here: Human Design System

Guidance SessionLengthFee
Clarity Session (90)90 minutes$250 CDN
Clarity Session (60)60 minutes$170 CDN

Movement Coaching

As a Certified Movement Analyst (Laban/Bartenieff), I support and inspire performing artists to express emotion through motion. I help them make effective movement choices, so they can express themselves in an emotionally embodied and engaging way.Through movement, reserved performing artists discover how to reach far beyond their expressive comfort zone, without feeling fake. Highly expressive performing artists discover how to refine their expression and anchor themselves, so they don't lose themselves in expressive energies.Emotion Through Motion Sessions: Through one-on-one movement sessions, performing artists expand their expressive range, while staying grounded in their authentic self. First, I help performing artists to identify their authentic expressive signature, so they can anchor themselves in their authentic expression. Then I help them to tap into a wider range of expression that they aren't used to accessing on a regular basis. Performance and/or practice video analysis will be used to help performing artists see and embody their expressive movement.Sessions are done online via Zoom.To watch clips of Amber's personal expressive work as an actor and ballroom dancer, click here: Amber's Demo Reels

Emotion Through Motion (60)60 minutes$170 CDN
Emotion Through Motion (90)90 minutes$250 CDN


Amber Copeland, CMA
Movement Advisor

Certified Movement Analyst (Laban/Bartenieff)
Vancouver, Canada
[email protected]


Over the years Amber's had the opportunity to successfully advise clients in movement. Here are a few of their testimonials:

We explored movement in many different ways with Amber. Thank you Amber. You gave us a second wind in our growth as dancers. 
-Suzanne & André

I am more in tune with my body, which helps to make my dancing more natural, more organic. I am very excited to learn more with Amber and become a better dancer! 
This program has helped me immensely to have more joyful emotional experiences while dancing. Amber is a wonderful teacher: gentle, clear and very knowledgeable. 
I had wanted to work with Amber for several years when she was teaching ballroom. I had no idea that our work together would have such a positive impact on my confidence (both on and off the dance floor). Thanks to my work with Amber, I am improving by leaps and bounds and having the time of my life! 